Happy 4th Birthday, Sidekiq
Four years ago today I shipped Sidekiq 0.5.0. 110 versions later, it’s still changing every day. Pretty amazing. So what’s new?
Sidekiq Enterprise
Sidekiq Enterprise gained two major new features this month.
Historical Metrics
Sidekiq Enterprise can now send the global counts you see at the top of the Web UI to Statsd for monitoring and display within your metrics dashboard. Read More
STATSD = ::Statsd.new(...)
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
If you start N Sidekiq processes, each process is completely separate and must be managed individually.
Sidekiq Enterprise has a new binary, sidekiqswarm
which will spin up N child Sidekiq processes. Those child processes
will share memory with the parent process, leading to increased memory efficiency.
If a child process dies, the parent will restart it immediately.
Quieting and stopping the parent does the same to all children so you
don’t need to manage individual child processes. With this new
multi-process support, it’s really simple to scale Sidekiq across all
cores. Read More
COUNT=4 bundle exec sidekiqswarm -e production
Sidekiq Pro
Until today you had to be running reliable fetch in order to pause queues. This is no longer required! Anyone running Sidekiq Pro 3.x can now pause queues.
q = Sidekiq::Queue.new
sleep 10
Sidekiq gained support for an ActiveJob-style set
method, to set options
SomeWorker.set(queue: 'high').perform_async(1, 2, 3)
Also, the Web UI now shows a tag next to any process which is quiet (has received the USR1 signal). Read More
When you buy Sidekiq Pro or Sidekiq Enterprise, part of the deal is that I can work to improve Sidekiq and the Ruby ecosystem. I’ve recently spent some time simplifying Rails 5 and cutting out unnecessary gem dependencies. I’ll have another blog post about that work next week.
Until then, ciao!