12 Gems of Christmas #11 – statsd-ruby
As software developers, it’s often our job to monitor the systems we build. Step one is to collect the data necessary for monitoring.
Statsd is a nice metrics aggregation server open sourced by Etsy. We use Statsd at The Clymb to collect and aggregate various technical and business metrics before uploading them to Librato Metrics for storage and display on our dashboards.

The statsd-ruby client sends metrics from all our Unicorn and Sidekiq processes to statsd. One thing I really like about statsd is that it uses UDP for network transport so sending a metric doesn’t incur much overhead at all and I don’t have to have statsd installed locally or in staging – the metric send will just silently fail. We set up a global METRICS variable with a Statsd client instance (instances are thread-safe so this is ok, even with Sidekiq) so our code can send metrics trivially:
statsd_host = Rails.env.production? ? '' : ''
METRICS = Statsd.new(statsd_host, 8125)
METRICS.namespace = (Sidekiq.server? ? 'sidekiq' : 'web')
Now we just sprinkle metrics throughout our code. Want to track the number and value of orders that your e-commerce site gets?
METRICS.count('orders.total', @basket.total) if @basket.total > 0
Remember that we might have hundreds of Unicorn processes so statsd will collect and aggregate all the individual metric packets from each process into a single metric value to upload to your metrics service. With statsd and statsd-ruby working for you, you can monitor the metrics important to your business and verify the behavior of your system at runtime.
Tomorrow we’ll discuss a bane of the Rails world: testing JavaScript!