Death, Doom and Daemons!
We’re actually starting to run the new FiveRuns service daemons internally and found that they were dying due to various issues so I integrated a little bit of ActionMailer code to email the dev team when a daemon dies with the relevant details. Below is what I did – do you have any tips for monitoring Ruby daemon processes?
First we need to create an ActionMailer which will send email:
class DemiseMailer < ActionMailer::Base def condolences(name, err) require 'socket' recipients Array('Development <>') from 'DemiseMailer <>' subject "#{name} died on #{Socket.gethostname}" body({ :name => name, :error => err }) end end
and call the mailer when the daemon dies:
begin loader = loader.load(true) rescue => e DemiseMailer.deliver_condolences('loader', e) if RAILS_ENV == 'production' raise e end
Now we put the email template in demise_mailer/condolences.erb:
I regret to inform you that your daemon, <%= @name %>, passed away at <%= %> while running on <%= Socket.gethostname %>. Its last words were: <%= @error.to_s %> <%= @error.backtrace.join("nt") %> My condolences on your loss. Sincerely, DemiseMailer
and finally configure ActionMailer to send SMTP email:
ActionMailer::Base.template_root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => '', :domain => '', :port => 587 } ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
Seems to work pretty well so far. Drop me a comment if you use it or have suggestions to improve it!